Seasonal Aches and Pains Acupuncture Help
Seasonal Effects
Pain changes with the seasons and weather affecting many different pain conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and joint pains such as back, knee, elbow and shoulder pain, as well as nerve pains. When it is cold may feel like it goes right through you, affecting everything in your day and night.
Barometric Pressure
This is likely to be from changes in barometric pressure, and other factors when temperatures go from warm to cold or dry to damp which can trigger changes in the joints. Less air pressure surrounding the body can expand muscles, tendons and other tissues. This can lead to pressure leading to pain.
Winter can be a more difficult time when you have a pain condition, as the cold often induces us to be more still. On cold damp days, you may not feel like going for a walk or moving much at all. Also on icy days staying at home as you may be worried about falling or when you walk and may be very tense causing more pain. It is important to keep moving even if you don’t manage to get outside, you could stretch and walk up and down stairs.
Winter Colds
In the winter colds and viruses come and get you too. Another problem that makes your pain worse. When you are unwell so very often your weakest point is affected, often making your pain worse and you more inactive. Let acupuncture help you prevent viruses and help you get over them too.
Stress and Anxiety from Pain
Unfortunately, when you are cold and stiff with your pain, you can become stressed and anxious finding the cold weather brings you down. This is the beauty of Traditional Five Element Acupuncture treatment is based on how you feel in Body, Mind and Spirit, treating your whole system. Easing or relieving your physical and emotional pain.
For more information and Treatment contact Hannah on:-
Hannah is a member of the British Acupuncture Council
The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) – the UK’s largest, member-led, professional body for Traditional Acupuncturists.
Our members belong to an accredited register, regulated and approved by the Professional Standards Authority for Health & Social Care (PSA). The PSA protects the public by overseeing the regulation and registration of healthcare professionals – including statutorily regulated professions, such as the Nursing and Midwifery Council, and Accredited Registers like the BAcC. This offers a quality mark for high standards of training, safe practice and professional conduct. For more information see:-