On November 16th the world commemorates World Acupuncture Day to raise awareness of the profession of Traditional Acupuncturists which has been recognized by UNESCO, as an Intangible Human Cultural Treasure.
World Acupuncture Day is organised by UNESO and the World Health Organisation (WHO) to emphasise the efficacy and heritage of acupuncture, particularly in the West where it’s less commonly used. This day is to help educate others about the place of Traditional Acupuncture in everyday healthcare.
Acupuncture Changes Lives
Acupuncture does change lives, I see this in my acupuncture practice gain and again, here are a few examples :- https://www.southwellacupuncture.co.uk/acupuncture-testimonials/
The mind-body connection
Modern medicine has transformed the global healthcare scene, made discovery after discovery in life-saving interventions and wiped out or reduced many diseases. Though it is practiced mostly ignoring the mind-body connection, a connection that has remained at the core of ancient medicine systems.
Ancient practices like acupuncture have continued to create balance between the mind and body, which is one of the reasons the practice is spreading widely in the Western world.
Acupuncture Mind Body
From a mind-body connection point of view, acupuncture understands that physical symptoms are often caused by imbalances in the mind or a disruption of the mind-body connection. Our bodies tell us what’s wrong and acupuncture practitioners are experts at interpreting those messages.
Emotions can greatly affect how each person copes and deals with day to day life. When challenges come these affect how your Bod, Mind and Spirit manifests this. To look further into emotions see my post https://www.southwellacupuncture.co.uk/blog/2021/08/24/stress-emotions-and-acupuncture/
Traditional Acupuncture History
Acupuncture is effective and has been for thousands of years, an ancient theory that treats the modern world, it never stops amazing me.
Acupuncture dates back to 6,000 BC. Enclosed clearly illustrates how acupuncture has become established in the West:- https://etcma.org/brief-history-of-acupuncture/
I Do Acupuncture
For more information about how Traditional Acupuncture can help your Health and Wellbeing contact Hannah on https://www.southwellacupuncture.co.uk/contact/
Hannah is A Member of the British Acupuncture Council (MBAcC)
The British Acupuncture Council is committed to ensuring that all patients receive the highest standard of professional care during their acupuncture treatment. Our Code of Professional Conduct governs ethical and professional behaviour, while the Code of Safe Practice sets benchmark standards for best practice in acupuncture. All BAcC members are bound by these codes.
All members are accountable to the BAcC for their professional behaviour and the codes are rigorously enforced.
For more information contact; https://acupuncture.org.uk/