Holistic and Preventive Acupuncture  

Holistic and Preventive Acupuncture  

Traditional Five Element  Acupuncture

Traditional Acupuncture is one of the longest established forms of healthcare in the world. Traditional Five Element Acupuncture finds the root cause for each individual, treating Body, Mind and Spirit, to help heal and prevent.

Traditional Five Element Acupuncture helps you find your optimum wellness.

Five Element Acupuncture
Five Element Acupuncture

Preventative Medicine

Traditional Five Element Acupuncture is a form of preventative medicine which treats closely both with nature and with the natural cycles within patients that change throughout the year. These rhythms are affected by various pressures put on patients such as; accidents; lack of sleep; physical, emotional or chemical stress; age; trauma and other lifestyle factors.

Holistic Balance

Traditional Five Element Acupuncture aims to promote holistic, overall balance for healthy physical, emotional and mental health. The aim of this style of Acupuncture treatment is to encourage this greater balance and resilience within the patient, together with enhanced well-being and positive longevity.

Prevent Dis-ease

Traditional Five Element Acupuncture aims to prevent dis-ease from taking control of the life of a person, enabling each person to live to their full potential. By treating the causes of underling dis-ease, helping prevent more serious expressions of illness.

The Five Elements

A trained Traditional Five Element Acupuncturists central role is to identify which of the five elements; Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, is in distress and is hence disrupting the flow cycle of energy that connects these elements together in harmony. The Element which is each person’s weakens and strength is called their  the causative Factor or Gaudian Element. To learn more about the Five Elements see: https://www.southwellacupuncture.co.uk/acupuncture-five-elements https://www.southwellacupuncture.co.uk/acupuncture/

Guardian Element

Identification of the single element takes considerable training, skill and experience on the part of the practitioner. When each patient’s Causative Factor or Gaudian element is treated, the root disturbance being re-balanced. A better quality of life is promoted and the patient’s system is returned to a improved state of balance.  Helping the individual naturally flow into greater alignment within themselves.

Treatment Process

  • The first appointment is for one and a half hours initial assessment and first treatment. A confidential case history and current issues are recorded that are essentially patient-led. This permits a balanced perception of the Gaudian Element of the patient, to assess what each patients individual needs are.
  • After the initial appointment treatment are for ¾ hour, with plan to start with at least 6 treatments close together, then acupuncturist will review  progress and discuss with the patient. Each person responds differently to treatment, due to many different factors such as time unwell, emotional impact, medications, environmental factors, seasons and much more. Moving forward treatments may be spaced more out as to what each individual patient needs.
  • Preventative Treatment- the aim is to get to a place where a patient comes for acupuncture treatment every 4-6 weeks or at the change in seasons. To support each patient to strengthen their constitution through the year and with life’s changes and challenges
  • Alongside the Traditional Five Element Acupuncture advice may be given to help manage lifestyle, stress management, encouragement with movement and stillness, with diet, emotional issues all to help each patient find their individual wellbeing balance.

Acupuncture Treatment 

Hannah is A Member of the British Acupuncture Council (MBAcC)

The British Acupuncture Council is committed to ensuring that all patients receive the highest standard of professional care during their acupuncture treatment. Our Code of Professional Conduct governs ethical and professional behaviour, while the Code of Safe Practice sets benchmark standards for best practice in acupuncture. All BAcC members are bound by these codes.

All members are accountable to the BAcC for their professional behaviour and the codes are rigorously enforced.

For more information contact; https://acupuncture.org.uk/

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