Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain affects many people and a recent article and BBC programme explains how this affects a selection of people. I thought this would be interesting and informative.


Chronic pain: The ‘unbearable’ condition affecting one in four people.

‘An exclusive survey of over 4,000 adults aged 16-75 for BBC News, carried out by research company Ipsos, suggests that a quarter of people in the UK are living with chronic pain – an often hidden and misunderstood condition.’


Traditional Five Element Acupuncture can help manage Chronic Pain and also along side other therapies. In my practice I treat many patients with Chronic Pain and help them manage their life around it. Chronic Pain affects each person differently, the beauty of Tradition Five Element Acupuncture is that we treat each person to their personal needs. I pride myself in giving the care that only you need.


For more information and treatment Contact Hannah on

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