Face to Face Treatment

Face to Face Treatment

COVID Safe Treatment

For I year now I have been practicing Face to Face Treatment with my Acupuncture patients in a COVID safe environment. I had to close my practice from March 20th 2020 to May 31st 2020 due to COVID restriction. As soon as I was allowed to practice again I was in my treatment room with my patients treating Face to Face Treatment with all COVID safely guidelines in place. In the year that I have been back in practice there has not been any cases of cross infection – no COVID cases in my practice. My past experience in Nursing has helped me be confident in infection control. I am also lucky to have a large airy treatment room so can social distance and ventilate as needed. For more information about COVID guidelines for treatment see page on my website :- https://www.southwellacupuncture.co.uk/covid-19-guidelines-for-attending-treatment-at-southwell-acupuncture-clinic/

Traditional Five Element acupuncture

At Southwell Acupuncture Clinic I practice Traditional Five Element Acupuncture. The treatment and practice involves a long 1st appointment in this tradition I ask the patient about the reason they have come for treatment and full medical history, including assessing all their systems. I ask about home, family, relationships, stresses, exercise, sleep, relaxation, diet/appetite, digestion, bowels, waterworks, hormones, family, inherited illness and anything else that is relevant to treatment. Assessing the physical and emotional effect on how the patient is feeling.Taking this time to assess each patients needs is a vital part of the process of diagnosis and treatment

Your Element

During the first appointment which we call the Traditional Diagnosis as a Five Element Acupuncturist I will be assessing which Element of the Five is out of balance in the patient – this is the basis for treatment. We are all made up of all of the Five Elements though one is what is called our Causative Factor or Gaudian Element. For more information about the elements see this page on my website :-https://www.southwellacupuncture.co.uk/acupuncture-five-elements/


At each treatment (3/4 hour) I will always ask how a patient is feeling, listening to how they have felt since the last treatment and how they are concerning their health and wellbeing. Attentively listening how they are improving or coping with their main concerns and how they are generally.


Part of ongoing diagnosis with Traditional Five Element Acupuncture is taking the pulse six different pulses in each wrist that sit on top of the blood pulse lets the acupuncturist know what is happening with your Qi or Vital Energy. This touch is as important as taking the pulse. As we have learnt in the last year with COVID restrictions touch is important whether it is a hug, hand shake or just a touch of the shoulder it lets the other person know you care about what is going on with them.

The Whole Person

With Traditional Five Element Acupuncture we treat the whole system in Body, Mind and Spirit. Therefore all the health concerns are listened to and taken into consideration as part of the treatment. Your Physical issues and Emotions are interconnected each have a large effect on each other e.g. someone could present with back pain which is a physical concern though as we delve deeper we find that stress and emotion are causing the condition to worsen or is the cause of the pain. I love being able to help my patients as a whole. We are all affected differently by many situations in life and Traditional Five Element Acupuncture can help these, giving you the strength in Body, Mind and Spirit to deal with challenges life throws at you.

Therapeutic Effect

Traditional Five Element Acupuncture is potent and subtle treatment, to add to this seeing a patient face to face has a powerful Therapeutic Effect. I am a great believer in the Therapeutic Effect of being in a room with another person, engaging, listening and seeing the physicality of how they are feeling. This cannot be replaced by phone calls or zoom calls, though these can be helpful it is not the same. Taking the time to come for treatment, to look after yourself and relax is very powerful, and on top of that the wonderful effect of the Acupuncture treatment! This may be called Healing Effect or Placebo Effect whatever you want to call it, there is a powerful effect on the patients recovery. Being there for my patients seeing, listening and believing is important for recovery.

Face to Face Treatment

To book a Traditional Five Element Acupuncture Treatment Face To Face contact Hannah on :- https://www.southwellacupuncture.co.uk/contact/

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