Chronic pain may never go away but acupuncture can help manage it
‘NICE guideline for chronic pain: painkillers out, acupuncture in
The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) is delighted to see that acupuncture is one of only four treatments to be recommended for chronic pain by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). From now on, painkillers and all other drugs apart from anti-depressants will be off the menu.
Around a third of the population may be affected by chronic pain – many also have a diagnosis of depression, and two-thirds are unable to go out to work. The new recommendations cover conditions like fibromyalgia and chronic neck, muscular or pelvic pain. Traditional acupuncture can provide benefits across the whole spectrum of health issues: emotional support as well as pain relief.
Acupuncture is one of the best options for painful conditions – it is also very safe when given by well trained practitioners, and we set stringent standards for our members to follow. The BAcC is registered with the Professional Standards Authority (PSA), allowing GPs to refer their patients to our members for acupuncture, as long as NHS funding allows.
This NICE guideline is open for consultation until 14 September. The BAcC will be responding to NICE and also launching a campaign on acupuncture and chronic pain in time for the release of the final report in January 2021.‘ From the British Acupuncture Council website October 2020
Very glad to hear that the NHS are seeing the evidence that the ancient therapy of acupuncture helps so many patients with chronic pain. Chronic pain rules your life very often affecting every function of your daily life.
In the 25 years that I have been practicing Traditional Five Element Acupuncture I have helped many patients manage their chronic pain. Traditional Five Element acupuncture treats each patient as an individual because everyone responds to pain and lives their life differently. Acupuncture treats your vital energy the Qi which flows round a system of meridians or channels affecting all parts of your Body, Mind and Spirit.
Anxiety and stress caused by pain can make your pain to be worse and it all goes around and round, with you stuck in the middle not able to move forward. When treating a patient I consider all aspects of their life and how to help them with Acupuncture and advising each patient with lifestyle choices to improve pain, such as exercise, yoga, meditation and family situations.
I myself suffer myself from Chronic pain caused by an accident when in my 20’s I damaged my ulna nerve in my wrist when opening a door. This has resulted in pain at the other end of this nerve in my neck and shoulder. As with many pain conditions it took much time to understand why this was happening. My pain is kept at bay by acupuncture, self massage (with Tune In Balls), yoga, meditation and being kind to myself!
I do have a deep understanding how Chronic Pain changes lives and treat many people with long term pain, which will not go away but can be managed and life can be easier. Do get in touch and see how Traditional Five Element Acupuncture can help you contact me Hannah on ;-