Pregnancy and Parenting in Lockdown

Pregnancy and Parenting in Lockdown

In the last few weeks in the midst of Lockdown I have been speaking to many of my patients on the telephone, several who are parents or parents to be. It has been lovely to hear that some of them are finding that they have been given the gift of a very ‘special time’. 

When you are pregnant it is important to look after yourself. When you are working there are always time pressures and stress which can make many common aliments during pregnancy worse. But if you are able to rest and be kind to yourself at these times it will help you.

I know many pregnant women have toddles and other children; as there is now more time available your ‘rest time’ can be spent as quite time with your children, maybe reading or watching their favorite show, or when someone esle takes them for a walk! One patient said that it was lovely to share more of her pregnancy with her husband because they were both off work, which is great as it was a long-awaited pregnancy, a patient I treated for infertility. It is delightful to hear from my pregnant patients especially when some send me pictures of their pregnancy scans!

Another patient who had a tough pregnancy and birth is really enjoying her time at home with her baby with no pressure to go out and try to be someone she is not! She says her anxiety is the lowest it has ever been. Her husband is working, but mostly at home so he can take over and she can go and enjoy gardening for a while. This patient was another I treated for infertility, throughout pregnancy and postnatally. It is a privilege to treat women through their journey from infertility to parenthood. Five Element Acupuncture is for all times of parenting, from conception all through parenting years, which is basically life!

There is much pressure on new parents in our society, that we need to go out and do lots when your baby is newborn. In the Chinese tradition you were supposed to have three months rest in the early postnatal time. We need to be aware of caring for ourselves after birth and for quite a few months after theat to regain strength both physically and emotionally. It is usually the most tiring part of your life, so now you have the opportunity to give yourself extra care, you will reap the benefits of this and enjoy your baby.

I also know that parenting in lockdown can be extremely difficult as many of your surrounding support systems have gone. I have a patient who is a single patent to twin toddlers and is so exhausted goes to bed at the same time as the children, tough times! It is important to each day try and talk to someone, so have adult conversation and be kind to yourself, you are doing an amazing job.

To all parents out there with the challenges of children and teenagers at home, try to look on this as a precious time that gives you the ability to take a look at your family and see how you can make the best of this time, which may lead to better relationships with your children in the long term.

I also do know there are plenty of parents working and trying to juggle family life and key worker challenges, take care of yourselves and rest when you can. We are all with you.

To all parents with children at home well done and for those who cannot see their children for now, keep strong, keep talking and caring for yourself.

To see how your Five Element Personality type affects how you cope with life check out this page;

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