Stress Help with Acupressure

Stress Help with Acupressure

Coronavirus Stress and Acupressure

We are living in extraordinary times, where some are confined to their homes, others doing vital work facing the danger every of exposure, others who are being forced to work when they should not but are in fear of losing their job, then there are many who work for themselves, not knowing how they can keep their business safe and put food on the table. 

What ever stress you find yourself in we all need to find ways to look after ourselves. Many of you my patients are used to coming for regular treatment to keep you in a good place, but I am unable to practice so I am going to give you some tips on some points that you can help yourself with.

We all have a Causative Factor or Gaudian Element which I will explain more later, but to start with I want to introduce you too is a point that everyone can benefit from.

Leg Tree Miles – Stomach 36 is a great point for stress also used for gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea and vomiting and fatigue. As the Earth point of the Stomach Channel, it is literally the most grounding point of the body. It emphasizes the descending function of the stomach and roots Qi firmly in place. It harmonises the Qi and blood and serves to stimulate the entire function of nourishment though out your system. This point is frequently stimulated for health promotion and longevity.

Stomach 36 is located four finger widths down from the bottom of your kneecap, along the outer boundary of your shin bone. If you are in the right place, a muscle should pop out as you move your foot up and down. To use this acupressure point, locate the point then apply downward pressure on the muscle, stimulating the area for you can put pressure on this point for 4or 5 seconds or you can gently hols it for about 5 minutes breathing gently with your eyes closed.It is good to every day take time to be still and take some deep breaths.

Take Care and Be Safe.

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