Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Seasonal Yin and Yang

The winter solstice. The deepest, most yin point of the year, where shortening pivots to lengthening, contracting to expanding, closing to opening. Our prehistoric ancestors were well aware of this movement in the seasons, building stone circles to measure and celebrate the changes.

This annual passage from winter to summer and back is a profound illustration of the concept of yin and yang, a fundamental principle which underpins traditional five element acupuncture. It is like watching the Earth breathe. In and out. Once a year. Breathing in, the Earth rises to the midsummer; breathing out, it falls to the midwinter.

We too can gain much from the observing and marking of these pivots in the year. The cycle of the year provides a template for other cycles in our lives, other movements between yin and yang. Shorter cycles of  month, day and hour; and longer cycles, of life stages and of generations. Being aware and present to these cycles within cycles provides us with guideposts in life. They remind us that change is constant. And at a deeper level, these cycles of time provide the context within which we experience each moment. After all, this moment which we are currently experiencing is all we really have. It is all we really are.

Be in the moment and care for yourself contact Hannah ;-

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Further reading

Chinese New Year

The year of the water rabbit – between conflicts and opportunities From The Brtish Acupuncture Council Blog page 23rd

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