December Stress and Acupuncture

December Stress and Acupuncture

Tips to cope with the busy time in December

December can be a busy time and you can easily forget to look after yourself, time can be taken up with lovely things such as parties, nativity plays, carol services, and enjoying choosing the gifts for your loved ones.

Though it can also be very tiering fitting this all into an already busy life, with work and  family, we still have all the pressures of life and on top the commitments you have made to others in December!

Try to take some time out every day to stop and breath – this may sound silly ‘I breath all the time’, you say! Yes though a few deep breaths with even five minutes of stillness can change your prospective on a day. It is good to start each day with either meditation or some quite time to breath and contemplate your day. Sometimes when you don’t feel this is possible you can go into the toilet lock the door and take five. Or just as you are about to go into a meeting at work or to meet a difficult relative stand a moment before you go in and take a breath.

Even these small moment can make such a difference to your day.

And don’t forget to make sure you ae having regular Traditional Five Element Acupuncture as this can help with the stress and strains of daily life, getting yourself in balance for when Christmas comes.

Be kind to yourself and book in with Hannah for some seasonal Traditional Five Element Acupuncture in December to prepare for Christmas or/and January to get over it! Contact Hannah on -:

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