16 Days of action against Domestic Violence November 25th – December 10th 2019

16 Days of action against Domestic Violence November 25th – December 10th 2019

16 Days of Action Against Domestic Violence is aimed at businesses to support them to take action against domestic abuse and violence.  Employers have a legal obligation to assess dynamic risk and support the health and safety and wellness of their employees. Companies can do more to aid their employees who endure domestic violence, to train those who witness it, and to protect staff as a whole, with the goal of securing safety and mitigating financial loss. Spanning across 16 days from 25th November to 10th December, a theme will be identified each day to explore the various forms of domestic violence. In doing so, the workplace will be better equipped to acknowledge the signs that indicate it may be going on.

Domestic violence includes psychological, physical, sexual, financial and emotional control and abuse

Domestic violence costs the NHS over £1.4 billion every year, and the total cost to the public sector is over £23 billion.

Domestic violence affects too many of us, find out more, don’t be silent

Domestic violence is something we should all be aware of, read the stories of people affected and learn more.

Work can be the only safe place for someone experience domestic violence.

Mental health 68% of people who endure domestic violence suffer clinical depression and 1/3 of these people present with PTSD.

Bystander You personally can end someone’s misery by acting on domestic violence you see around you. Always act; doing nothing shouldn’t be an option.

Men (as victims)1 in 6 men endure domestic violence, yet the public don’t recognise men as possible victims.

Female genital Mutilation more than 125 million girls/women alive today have been cut 29 countries in African and the Middle East. #FGM is an affront to human rights.

Stalking#Paladin and #WomensAid are attempting to change legislation as only 3 men are convicted for abuse for every 100 reports of abuse by men.

Elder abuseOver 500,000 elderly in the UK endure #elderviolence, normally perpetrated by people in positions of trust.

The impact on children 90% of kids are in the same room, or next door to the violence in their home. This causes myriad issues for the child:

Domestic Abuse can start, or gets worse, in pregnancy. Every midwife and GP needs to be aware.

Hideout provides a safe space to support children and young people affected by domestic violence. http://www.thehideout.org.uk/default.aspa8. honour-based violenceHonour-based violence is ignored in England and shouldn’t be- 12 females are killed p/a in the UK

Violence in the workplace Australia gives 20 days paid leave to employee enduring #domesticviolence. UK employers do not yet do enough for victims of DV.

Intimate partner violence 2 women a week are killed by a current or former partner. This leads to more likely chances at alcoholism, unplanned pregnancy, STIs.

LGBT victims are not catered for by the law as much as they should be: http://goo.gl/wLDIJS#16

Domestic violence affects more than just the victim. It costs the UK £3.9bn p/a

’Stop asking, ‘Why doesn’t she just leave?’ 70% of women report post-separation violence.

In war torn areas are common and left unaddressed. Approx. 250-500,000 women were raped in the Rwandan Genocide.

Clares Law allows you to ask the police for info on your partner if you feel concerns about your safety? #

Domestic violence not only causes physical & emotional damage but often results in debt & hardship, causing some women to delay leaving a violent partner.

Domestic violence in war torn areas are common and left unaddressed. Approx. 250-500,000 women were raped in the Rwandan Genocide – Domestic violence is a global issue.

Information from :- https://16daysofaction.co.uk/the-campaign/

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