World Breast Feeding Day 2019

World Breast Feeding Day 2019

World Breast feeding Day 2019 – 1-7 August 2019

Information from World Alliance for Breast Feeding Action

The #WBW2019 slogan “Empower Parents, Enable Breastfeeding” was chosen to be inclusive of all types of parents in today’s world. Focusing on supporting both parents to be empowered is vital in order to realise their breastfeeding goals.

Global status of breastfeeding Empowerment is a process that requires evidence-based unbiased information and support to create the enabling environment where mothers can breastfeed optimally. Breastfeeding is in the mother’s domain and when fathers, partners, families, workplaces, and communities support her, breastfeeding improves. We can all support this process, as breastfeeding is a team effort. To enable breastfeeding we all need to protect, promote and support it.

Optimal breastfeeding is vital to the lifelong good health and wellbeing of women and children.WHO and UNICEF recommend – early initiation of breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth. Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life. Continued breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond, with the introduction of nutritionally adequate and safe complementary (solid) foods at 6 months.

We can all support this process, as breastfeeding is a team effort. To enable breastfeeding we all need to protect, promote and support it. Scaling up Breastfeeding can prevent 20,000 maternal deaths, 823,000 child deaths, $305 billion in economic losses annually.

Traditional Five Element Acupuncture can be helpful to treat low milk supply and breastfeeding for milk stasis (engorgement) with the general wellbeing of Mother and Child. When you have a small baby it is a tiring and sometimes stressful time and you also have to recover from labor so remember to look after yourself get help from family and friends. Give yourself the gift of acupuncture – you can bring the baby along if you need to. Stress can have a dramatic effect on your ability to breastfeed, so be kind to yourself – if you can breastfeed embrace it – though if is not possible embrace this too and enjoy your baby. Acupuncture can help you reduce stress and help you find your way with your new life with baby. (or Babies!)

Contact Hannah for help and information;-

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