Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

We enter Summer on June 21st with the Summer Solstice, when the sun is at its northernmost position relative t the earth. At the solstice, we have the longest daylight of the year. The sun is considered YANG as it gives energy, causes action, outward movement and creates a hot and dry climate (we hope when the rain dries up!)

The solstice day also marks the beginning of the cycle of growing darkness or YIN more inward and quite.  

Don’t worry we have plenty of long Summer days to come.

This is a time of transition, where many changes happen, your vital  energy – Qi must stay in motion within us and in our life to continually nourish us and create harmony.

Find out how to keep your Qi nourished and flowing with Traditional Five Element Acupuncture – contact Hannah on;-

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