The Will and Its Power: What the Water Element in Five Element Acupuncture Can Teach Us
Most of us think of will power as something desirable. It’s a positive character attribute that we both admire in others and seek to strengthen in ourselves. Will power gives us the determination to stick with our goals. But what is the will, and how do we strengthen it? In Traditional Five
Deep healing from any chronic illness draws on our will power. Invariably there are setbacks along with the course of progress. Navigating the setbacks without getting discouraged requires will power, and taking the long view.
Traditional Five Element acupuncture can guide you through the challenges of recovery.
Will Power, East and West
In Western culture, we often think first of will power in terms of the ability to restrain impulses. Those with New Years resolutions to fulfil may wish for more will power, as they seek to stop smoking, lose weight, or eat a healthy diet. A second definition of will power is the ability to decide on a course of action and to pursue it. Will power gives us dogged determination and resolve to persist in the face of challenges. If we say someone’s will has been broken, we recognize a very deep injury to the person’s mind and spirit.
A truly strong will is determined but also adaptable. Life is constantly changing. Staying alive therefore requires resilience and the ability to adapt and transform. Resilience and adaptability rely on a strong will and a robust Water Element.
Survival, Will, and Winter
Humans also find Winter challenging, not only physically but emotionally. Even if our basic needs for food and shelter are met, many people find the darkness in Winter depressing. Some suffer from seasonal affective disorder. The aches and pains of arthritis often feel worse in the cold weather. People may feel less active and more fatigued in Winter. Our immune systems are challenged as well, as colds and flu make the rounds.
In the darkness, humans turn to the light and warmth of the inner spirit for survival.
Winter and the Water Element in Five Element Acupuncture
Each of the Five Elements manifests in a season. Winter is the season of the Water Element in Five Element acupuncture. Water, like Winter, is about survival. Our bodies are mostly made of water (about 60%), and keeping a proper balance of water is essential to survival. We can only live a short time without an adequate supply and proper balance of water in the body. In the natural world, as well, too much or too little water can be devastating. Most natural disasters – from floods, hurricanes and tsunamis, to droughts, wildfires and landslides – have something to do with an imbalance of the Water Element.
The Water Element is vital to survival, incredibly powerful and difficult to control. The Water Element evokes fear. Facing Fear requires the power of will. Five Element acupuncture theory regards the will as the spiritual power of the Water Element, and fear as its emotional manifestation. As in nature, so it is within the human body-mind.
Healing and Strengthening the Will: the Water Element in Five Element Acupuncture
Winter, season of the Water Element, is the time of year when we are most challenged. It is also the time when our vital energy and the power of the will – the Water Element within – can be nourished and most thoroughly supported. With a healthy lifestyle and appropriate treatment, Winter allows us to access and heal the deepest level of our being. With proper self-care in Winter, we will feel vitality and health returning in Spring.
A few key tips for Winter health and nourishing the Water Element:
- Tend to your life and health with caution, prudence
and restraint. Rest and restore. If you over-extend or over-work yourself in Winter, you risk illness. Caution is the beneficial aspect of fear, will and the Water Element. Caution is the attitude of wisdom. Proceed as if you are walking on thin ice. - Self-preservation requires looking within yourself. Winter is the time for self-reflection, spiritual practice, and contemplation. Take stock of your life. Does your life course feel in alignment with your truth? What needs to change?
- Do n’t expect big results right away. Deep healing works from the inside out. In Winter, life energy is hidden and dormant. Trust that the work is happening within you. Tend to yourself in Winter, and you will begin to see results in Spring.
- Develop an internal
focus of control In other words, cultivate the attitude that you have some degree of choice and influence over the course of your life. Accept responsibility for your actions. Don’t blame others. The will, spirit of the Water Element, gives you the resilience and adaptability to pursue your life course with determination. You are the navigator, not simply a victim of fate.
Traitinal Five Element acupuncture treatment works at a core level to balance the energy systems within the human body, mind
To strengthen your Water Element and will power with
Traditional Five Element Acupuncture contact Hannah at ; –