The 2018 World Menopause Day campaign to raise awareness of midlife women’s health concentrates on Sexual wellbeing after menopause. Sexual health is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being related to sexuality. After menopause, it is not uncommon for women to experience sexual problems which can severely impair their relationships, mental health, social functioning and overall quality of life.
Menopause affects over 5 million women every day. That’s a huge percentage of women, silently suffering from sleeplessness, hot flushes, fatigue, poor concentration, anxiety, sexual and emotional problems, and many other symptoms.
Three-quarters of women say that the menopause caused them to change their lives and over half say it had a negative impact on their lives.
Menopause is a time of transition which can start as early as your 30’s with changes in your periods, emotional health and energy levels.
Menopause can be a time to reassess your life and wellbeing. Traditional five element acupuncture can support many of the changes and symptoms of the menopause such as sleep problems hot flushes, fatigue, heavy bleeding, and emotional wellbeing. Traditional five element acupuncture treats each patient as an individual, therefore your treatment for menopause is just for you.
For help and treatment contact Hannah on;-