Acupuncture – Inner Strength
We all have difficult phases and situations in life, which can wear us down and lose some inner strength.
I treat many patients who are going through many challenging situations, just to name a few recently – I have a patient who has gained the confidence to leave an abusive relationship, over the last year I have seen her inner strength grow to gain in confidence in her own abilities.
Many situations such as cancer treatment can wear you down; you very often need much inner strength to get through such treatments and the confidence to ask the questions of the medical profession.
I support many patients with chronic problems such as arthritic conditions, chronic pain, and life restricting illness. Very often I find my patients need their inner resolve to get the treatment and care they need. As my Auntie says ‘it is hard work being a patient in the NHS’.
I have watched many of my patient’s blossom into the person who they can really be or back to the amazing person they had lost.
Traditional five element acupuncture treats the whole person body, mind and spirit to help with your emotional physical and spiritual strength to find your way forward in life.
Traditional five element acupuncture is here to help you find your way to your inner strength –
contact Hannah on;-