Acupuncture for Sports Injuries

Acupuncture for Sports Injuries

Acupuncture for Sports Injuries

Traditional five element acupuncture can be effective in the recovery and prevention of many sports injuries. Even if there is broken bones and torn ligaments traditional five element acupuncture has its place in recovery and prevention of further injury.

Sports injuries are common and vary from minor toe injuries to major complex trauma. Usually, soft tissue is damaged, but there can also be a fracturing of bone. Soft tissue injuries include sprains, strains and bruising. A sprain is a partial or complete rupture of a ligament, a strain is a partial tear of muscles and a bruise is a rupture of tissue leading to a haematoma. Any soft-tissue injury can lead to a tenderness, swelling, heamatoma, scarring, fibrosis, and loss of function.Traditional five element acupuncture can be effective in the recovery and prevention of many sports injuries. Even if there are broken bones and torn ligaments traditional five element acupuncture has its place in recovery and prevention of further injury.

There are many types of sports injuries; – achilles tendon; sprains; knee ligament injuries; shoulder -. dislocations;  joint injuries, rotator cuff injuries; elbow – tennis, golfer’s;  wrist – strains, sprains; leg -shin splints, stress fractures, hamstring injuries; foot – plantar fasciitis; groin strain and back acute lumbar sprain injuries

All of these can be caused by trauma as a result of a sudden impact or awkward movement or can develop over time often due to continual use of the same joints or muscle groups. Contributing factors can be not warming up before sports, using inadequate equipment or training too hard for the current level of fitness.

The aims of traditional five element acupuncture are to relieve pain, control inflammation, hasten resolution of the injury, and accelerate repair. Also, there should be the restoration of function and recovery of muscle power.

I have seen many of my patients recover well from sports injuries; the sooner you have treatment the better contact;

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