Southwell Acupuncture Clinic 100% Natural Signature Acupressure Facial
Acupressure uses gentle to firm finger pressure to points much like acupuncture without the use of needles. As these acupressure points are stimulated, muscular tension releases, circulation of blood is promoted, and Qi is enhanced to aid in healing.
Facial acupressure treatment can enhance muscle tone and increases blood circulation to the face. This improves the condition and tone of facial muscles and connective tissue, which can lessen the appearance of wrinkles without drugs or surgery. Simple finger pressure on specific points relieves congested areas and relaxes the muscles. Thus toxins are released and eliminated, benefitting your outward appearance.
Hannah’s signature facial acupressure experience uses 100% natural Weleda skin care products. Hannah will assess your skin and wellbeing to make the acupressure facial individual to your needs.
Weleda Pioneers of Green Beauty
Weleda has been making 100% natural products since 1921. NATURE seal of quality.
It is important to take great care with what you put on your skin as it absorbs 60% of anything you put on it, and estimates suggest that some chemicals found in everyday toiletries can reach the organs in less than half a minute. Studies show that an average British woman absorbs 2 kg of cosmetic ingredients every year, so now is a good time to reduce your toxic overload.
So give yourself a relaxing and natural pamper contact Hannah on