Five Element Acupuncture in Treatment of Pain Conditions
As a Five Element Acupuncturist I work with each individual as a whole, treating the root cause of the condition – not the symptom. This is very much the essence of Five Element acupuncture and the reason why the healing effects can be so profound and complete, allowing the body to reach its full potential of well-being. The treatment is gentle and restorative on all levels, through this thoughtful and respectful approach the body can be guided back to health.
People will present for acupuncture treatment with pain of many kinds. Whether the pain in back pain, headaches, migraines, neuropathic pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, neck pain, sports injuries, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, arthritis, piriformus syndrome, chronic pain syndrome or temporomandibular disorder.
As a Five Element Acupuncturist I will assess the whole person as nearly always there are many reasons for pain. Pain can be triggered by emotional stress, bad posture, injury or disease. Also causing related conditions such as sleep problems, more stress, worry and anxiety. It can be chronic or acute condition but either way it can have a debilitating effect on your life, work and wellbeing.
I love Five Element Acupuncture because it can be effective for your whole system body, mind and spirit. To help a you see your way forward whether that is being rid of the pain or managing a chronic condition.