Acupressure is an ancient Chinese healing method that involves applying pressure to certain meridian points on the body.
Based on the same principles of Five Element Acupuncture, Hannah’s experience of this system enhances the treatment of acupressure.
Acupressure uses finger pressure on points along the meridians to move the vital energy – Qi, promoting the natural self curative ability of the body mind and spirit.
Acupressure’s healing touch is a safe and effective method of treatment;- acupuncture without needles.
Acupressure enhances the body’s Qi, this ancient healing art that uses the fingers to gradually press key healing points.
Acupressure’s touch aids the immune system, the circulation of blood and lymph is promoted, easing stress, releasing muscular tension, relieving pain, enabling deep relaxation, easing anxiety and emotional pain, strengthening resistance to disease and promoting wellness.
Hannah’s signature acupressure facial treatment is carried out with Weleda 100% natural skin care products, a unique treatment to rejuvenate your skin and smooth wrinkles.
This is a relaxing facial treatment, stimulating the acupressure points on the face and neck, facial acupressure is dramatically different from a typical facial massage.
Facial acupressure can stimulate the muscles and nerves to boost collagen production, to help keep the skin firm, supple reducing wrinkles and revitalise tired skin.
There are also acupressure points on the body used to ground the treatment.
Hannah is a Member of the British Acupuncture Council (MBAcC)
It is very important that your acupuncturist is safe and competent. All members of the BAcC can offer you the following assurances:-
BSc or BA degree level training or its equivalent in traditional acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and western biomedical sciences including anatomy, physiology and pathology (3,600 hours of study)
Compliance with current UK health and safety legislation
Full medical malpractice and public/products liability insurance cover
Expert practice skills maintained by following a mandatory individual programme of continuing professional development (CPD)
Regular updates from the BAcC regarding practitioners’ professional obligations to the public
Compliance with BAcC
English language skills at least equivalent to those required of doctors and nurses working in the UK
Acupuncturists registered with the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) carry the letters MBAcC after their name.
Please visit the acupuncture prices page for more information or click on this link
Hannah Charles has been a member of the
British Acupuncture Council since 1995
Southwell Acupuncture Clinic is a member of
the Accredited Register scheme run by the government backed Professional Standards Authority